Sunday, September 19, 2010

My Profile

I just entered my profile, but I then thought I should include it in the main blog for readers.

As a matter of both personal and public interest, though more likely the former, I decided to start a blog about my journey through unemployment. Not enough personal narratives exist about unemployment, so I imagined my blog being helpful to others going through similar life transitions.

The blog title is an extension of the first question someone asks you, "So, what do you do?"  Once you've declared your present state of joblessness and lack of direction, the next logical question is, "So what are you going to do now?"

I think the blog title is also marvelous at prompting me to realize that our lives are made up of a seemingly infinite (yet finite) moments that we can make decisions on: what we do next is a matter of personal choice and decision. If we choose not to be positive, that's a choice. If we choose to get depressed over the lack of jobs, we've made a choice. If we choose to sit on our hands and not do anything, we've made a decision.

I've chosen to do something creative, something personal, something enriching, and hopefuly something helpful. If I've achieved anything at all in these past seven minutes of blog-life, it's that I've made a decision. Here's hoping you're making good decisions this moment onwards.

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